Nightingale Biomarker-Disease Atlas

About Nightingale Atlas

Results from full 500,000 UK Biobank samples are now available!

Blood lipids and metabolites are markers of current health status and can reflect the risk for future disease onset. This webtool provides an open access to results from a disease-wide association scan of 249 plasma biomarkers quantified by Nightingale Health Plc. for the participants in the UK Biobank.

The results are now available for two sample sets: the full UK Biobank cohort of 500,000 samples, and a subset of approximately 120,000 samples as described in Julkunen et al. 2024. By more than doubling the sample size, the analysis of the full UK Biobank dataset reveals results for over 400 new disease endpoints that were previously too rare to study in the smaller subset. Atlas results are displayed by default for the full dataset.

The biomarkers cover 249 measures of lipoprotein subclasses, fatty acids, and small molecules, such as amino acids, ketones, and glycolysis metabolites. This online atlas provides the results of systematic analyses of these blood biomarkers with the incidence, prevalence and mortality of 726 diseases (3-character ICD-10 codes with > 50 events in electronic health records up to 12 years after blood sampling).

Details of the analysis and data are described in the related publication: 
Julkunen et al. Atlas of plasma NMR biomarkers for health and disease in 118,444 individuals from the UK Biobank. Nature Communications (2023).

Nightingale Health’s technology is routinely used in world-class epidemiological and genetic studies. There are over 600 publications that have utilized our technology. If you are interested in using our technology for medical research, contact us.

Summary statistics & license

Download all summary statistics for biomarker associations with 3-character ICD10 endpoints (incidence, prevalence and mortality) as a .csv file (372 MB).

Download summary statistics


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