Practically the best ’omics

We offer affordable metabolomics and scalable remote blood collection.

Products for research

Choose us for fast, proven, no-nonsense data.


Affordable high-throughput metabolomics from blood or urine.

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Reliable self-collected blood samples take multi-omics research everywhere.

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NGH Lab 7

Nightingale Health’s metabolomic research service enables reproducible and cost-effective measurement of lipids, inflammation, dietary intake, insulin sensitivity, and much more.

Our biomarkers are associated with diverse aspects of human health, from cardiometabolic disease to kidney and liver function to dementia and mental health. The biomarkers also reflect the exposome, including smoking, and diet, providing foundational data for every analysis in your study.

If you genotype each sample, you should also have a metabolic snapshot as part of the core data. Take your research to the next level with metabolic insights across human health.

Atlas on Mac Book

Nightingale Health brings metabolomics to the scale of the world’s largest biobanks and cohorts.

Our research service provides the only platform for comprehensive metabolic profiling for whole cohorts. Since our 'omics technology has been used to measure across all 500,000 participants in the UK Biobank and 200,000 participants in the Estonian Biobank, you can discover hidden biology in the world's biggest health research datasets.

We are proud to have partnered with world-leading medical research studies and that our data are available to qualified researchers to amplify and replicate scientific discoveries and increase impact.

You can also explore Nightingale Biomarker-Disease Atlas of biomarker associations in the UK Biobank.

Explore Biomarker-Disease Atlas

Meet us at upcoming events

EAS Congress

4.05. – 7.05.2025

Glasgow, UK

Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE

10.05. – 13.05.2025

Copenhagen, Denmark

ESHG Conference

24.05. – 27.05.2025

Milan, Italy

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If you have questions, you can contact us here.