Customer testimonials

Testimonials from our customers shed light on what value Nightingale Health’s analysis service and biomarkers bring to their studies.

Selected testimonials

John Chambers, Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, London, UK and Singapore

”I have worked with Nightingale's NMR platform for more than a decade. It has proven to be a great platform, that we have extended to multiple population cohorts, and almost 100,000 samples. The team are great to work with, and the platform has proven itself to deliver high quality, highly reproducible results that have advanced our clinical and molecular epidemiological research.”

Professor John Danesh, Cambridge University

“Because Nightingale's assay is designed to provide informative and reliable lipidomic/metabolomic measurements at scale, it has been adopted by several major cohorts globally, including those led from our institution, helping to yield valuable insights about the predictors and determinants of important conditions.”

Tim Dierckx, PhD, University of Leuven, Belgium

”Nightingale's NMR metabolomics is a very cost-effective and straightforward way of capturing many aspects relevant to a person’s health. There are some biomarkers in Nightingale's NMR panel, such as GlycA, which you can’t measure with other techniques. All of this made Nightingale's metabolomics the right choice for us.”

Professor Johan G. Eriksson, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Executive director SICS, A*STAR

"My research groups have been working with Nightingale's team for several years. The team is easy to get in touch with, they are extremely helpful and the service is superb. Nightingale's platform makes metabolomics studies cost-effective when focusing upon biomarkers and predictors of major non-communicable disease like type 2 diabetes. I am convinced that this is an excellent way to gain valuable insights into disease pathophysiology."

Tonu Esko, Professor of Human Genomics and Senior Manager at Estonian Biobank

"Nightingale's platform has the potential to completely change the standard of healthcare. Their cost-effective and highly scalable molecular profiling platform will make data driven preventive medicine a reality. I hope Estonia will be the first country to implement that model, already 200,000 Estonian Biobank samples will be profiled by Nightingale and delivering results to participants will enable piloting nation-scale solutions."

Elizabeth Jury, Professor of Experimental Rheumatology, University College London

”We have used Nightingale for our research into lipid metabolism across autoimmune disease for years. They provide a stable and reliable NMR analysis platform spanning a wide range of metabolites allowing us to compare samples collected at different times and in different patient and healthy donor cohorts.”

Deborah A Lawlor, Professor of Epidemiology MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol

“Nightingale's service is efficient and supportive. The metabolomic traits provided have contributed to discovery science in the fields of reproductive, perinatal, and cardio-metabolic health that I have been involved with and that have been led by other groups. This includes demonstrating the marked change in metabolites on becoming pregnant (with a return to pre-pregnancy status after delivery), the extent to which these changes are enhanced in women who are obese but modifiable by a behavioral intervention. They have increased our understanding of the role of endogenous and exogenous hormones on metabolism, in relation to age at menarche, use of hormonal contraception, and menopausal transition. The cost difference between this panel and measuring standard lipids and glucose, when considering all of the additional information provided, for me makes a clear argument for using Nightingale's platform."

Lars Lind, Professor of Medicine, Uppsala University

”As a researcher on mechanisms behind atherosclerosis, I have found Nightingale's metabolomics to be very useful since it includes detailed information on lipoprotein metabolism. They have also been very supportive and friendly in their contact with me.”

Professor Jonathan Pritchard, Departments of Genetics and Biology, Stanford University

”My lab has been working with Nightingale to study measurements of over 200 molecular biomarkers collected in 100,000 participants in the UK Biobank. This extraordinary data set is an important view into the structure of metabolomic variation at unprecedented scale. In our experience, Nightingale's platform provides massively scalable, high quality data on molecular variation in blood serum.”

Prof. Caroline Hayward PhD, Professor, University of Edinburgh, Programme Coordinator QTL in Health and Disease, University of Edinburgh

“Luckily, we took urine samples, when setting up our general population cohorts and now we are able to receive an incredible amount of information at a considerably low price. Besides kidney function, we are investigating dietary markers and have obtained fantastic results, when doing comparisons across cohorts. We found quite a lot of novel metabolites from unknown pathways and hope to be able to look into this more. There are so many things to investigate and plenty of data, we will still be busy for a long time and have to strictly prioritize what to do first. We also had the samples analyzed by conventional means and the correlation of creatinine was incredibly high, which was very reassuring.”

Dr. Ashani Lecamwasam MBBS, FRACP, Deakin University, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Renal Department, Northern Health, Australia

“For me as a nephrologist, urine is the most natural biofluid to work with and part of standard clinical practice. Physiologically it totally makes sense to see changes in urine in chronic kidney disease (CKD), as the metabolome is reflective of the current state of the body and urine is its excretory product. We are looking at the metabolic differences in early and late stages of CKD and are doing combined blood and urine analysis. However, I would very much like to encourage researchers from other areas as well to look further into urine, as for example cardiac and renal diseases have a lot in common with cardiovascular diseases being the leading cause of mortality in CKD patients. I am hoping that through urine we can find common pathways, which link renal and cardiovascular or even urological malignancies. Nightingale’s data is very easy to work with and straightforward, especially the ratios to creatinine are highly useful.”

A/Prof. Charumathi Sabanayagam MD MPH PhD, Clinician Scientist, Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore, Associate Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

“We profiled serum samples from our epidemiological studies utilizing Nightingale’s NMR-based platform. Hence, when Nightingale launched the urine service, we decided to profile our urine samples, as combining metabolites from serum and urine would provide us with the chance to identify specific metabolites associated with the presence and onset of DR, to correlate the underlying pathogenesis by comparing urine and serum markers, as well as whether the combination would improve disease prediction beyond traditional risk factors. We found special value in the combined analysis, as it provides independent information on the one hand, but also enables investigation of retention of metabolites in urine on the other hand. We are now planning to extend the analysis to other endpoints as well.”

Shahrad Taheri, Professor of Medicine, Director, Clinical Research Core, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar

“Living in a country with one of the highest prevalence of obesity and diabetes in the world, research tools such as Nightingale's platforms are crucial for our work. In our DIADEM trial we were able to reverse the diabetes of 61 % of our participants solely by lifestyle interventions. We are currently translating our findings to clinical care and are hoping to reverse diabetes as early as possible. With the metabolic biomarker data from blood and urine, we now hope to understand the underlying mechanisms of who is responding to the intervention and who is not and why. We need to understand urine better and relate what is happening in the urine on top of what is happening in the blood. With Nightingale’s platforms all this is possible because one does not only get single metabolites but the full picture and particularly also the interrelation between blood and urine. The data is easy to work with and also perfectly integrable with other omics, such as proteomics and microRNA, while being highly cost-effective. We were very happy with the professional service; we were taken through the whole process from sample preparation to shipping and providing support afterwards to make us understand our data. We would definitely like to extend the analysis to our other trials.”

Assistant Professor Ryan Au Yeung, University of Hong Kong

"Nightingale Health's platform is a very efficient approach to capture the metabolomic profile of participants in Biobanks, in terms of sample volume requirement and respective costs in comparison to conventional biochemical assays. This is particularly relevant to my research using genetics which often requires a large sample size for valid inferences. Staff at Nightingale are also very helpful in streamlining the overall processes, starting from sample transportation to interpretation of the data."

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